Friday, February 26, 2010

Generation Text

I am turning 32 next month, so it seems completely rediculous to me that I feel the need to start any sentence with "My generation" or "When I was your age". However, something happened the other day that started me thinking about my generation and about when I was a kid. I received a message from a fellow Gen X'er that was followed by IMHO. And I had absolutely no idea what that meant. So like any normal person, I googled it. (In My Humble Opinion)

The fact that in my short life we have gone from the first IBM PC's with only 16 KB RAM and no floppy disk units (you "youngsters" may have to google floppy disks) to many of you probably reading this blog in the palm of your hand, absolutely astounds me. We went from putting in hundreds of lines of code to watch a seal bounce a ball on its head, to "googling" on a daily basis in a 20-year time span.

In Jr. high and high school my family had a bag phone and my friends thought I was sooo cool for that. For those of you who don't know what a bag phone is, well it is exactly what it sounds like. It is a phone, with curly cord and all, that plugs into your car lighter and has a strap for easy carrying. I didn't have my first cell phone until I was a sophomore in college and it was a doozy. I could no longer carry a wallet because I couldn't fit both in my purse. Today I feel completely lost without my cell phone and often wonder how the world survived before them.

This incredible technological explosion puts some very interesting questions to mind: Does Area 51 have anything to do with this? What is the difference between the iphone and the ipad? Are we really that far from flying Deloreans?


  1. I still didn't know what IMHO - glad you put what it means - I'm always asking Chris what different stuff means since he is around all the high school kids and keeps up with the lingo! The word lingo doesn't age me right?? WTF - Why the Face! :) Love you!

  2. I remember a day last year when my son found a cassette tape and came to ask me what it was. I asked, "what do you think it is?" he replied, "does it play movies or something? (I'm assuming he was referring to the 'antiquated' vhs tapes). I had to go into the whole deal of what it is and does. Seriously a cassette tape??? How fast tech. takes over the world!! :)
